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Digital Marketing

For this company, I work as a Content Editor. Editing images and videos to be posted on social media like Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn. Working with the owner in creating marketing campaigns to both showcase the "Who?", "What?" & "Why?" for the business. This is shown through phases to both inspire audience interaction and company growth. The skills used for this position are...

  • Communication

  • Creative Thinking

  • Strategic Planning

  • Video Editing

ADB Building Solutions - Hometown Heroes
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During the 2021-22 academic year, I was the Digital Marketing Intern for UCF TRiO Center. Specifically, for the Student Support Services department, where I was tasked with building up a social media presence for PRIME STEM and Project BEST. I was responsible for updating their website, creating promotional content, and regularly posting on social media (Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, TikTok & YouTube). The skills used for this position are...​

  • Communication

  • Creative Thinking

  • Graphic Design

  • Photography

  • Strategic Planning

  • Video Editing

UCF TRiO Student Support Services - Poster
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From September 2017 to May 2019, I was part of the Campus Activities Board for Winter Park Campus. Truthfully, this was the first position that made me interested in marketing, where a lot of it focused on person-to-person interaction that involved event planning and team-building. During this time, my work was noticed by my supervisor, who offered me another position for Valencia Volunteers. Similar in responsibilities, but focused more on providing volunteer opportunities to the students. The skills used for this position are the same as TRiO, added event coordination and budget planning.

Valencia College, Winter Park Campus - 2018 Student Development
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Game Design

DIG 4725 - Game Design Workshop I | Fall 2022
DIG 4726 - Game Design Workshop II | Spring 2023

This was the longest group project I have ever been a part of. The course utilized the agile development process as a basis for teams to reach their deadlines. We had nine sprints to plan, develop, playtest, and polish our final product. My role within the team was mostly as a Technical Artist, who was part of the Design and Narrative department. My responsibilities were...

  • Animation Controllers (Enemies, NPC, & Player)

  • Creative Writing (GDD & Narrative)

  • Level Designing

  • Post Processing

Yunoia - Desktop Screensaver
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DIG 4720 - Casual Game Production | Fall 2022

For my final project, I had to include all of the post-production techniques I've learned throughout the term in one setting. I wrestled with many ideas, but the one I landed on was a medieval drug & alcohol tavern. Focusing on a dwarven hunter investigating the disappearance of a desert dragon. My responsibilities were...

  • Lighting (Unreal 5.03)

  • In-Camera Effects (Unreal 5.03)

  • In-Material Effects (Adobe Photoshop & Unreal 5.03)

  • Simulations (Houdini)

  • Particle Systems (Niagara)

Dragon's Breath - Mockup Poster
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DIG 4720 - Casual Game Production | Fall 2022

For this course, we were tasked with creating three games that only used three controls, excluding the pause menu. For our final project, we decided to create an ascending 2.5D platformer. The main character collects fireflies to not only regain health but shoot them as projectiles. Influenced by "Fez", the main feature of our game is having a 2D sprite character be able to turn corners around a 3D space. My responsibilities were...

  • Animation Controllers (Enemies, Player & Projectiles)

  • Player Script (Visual Studio 2022/C#)

  • UI Implementation (HUD, Main Menu & Pause Screen)

  • World Rotation Script (Visual Studio 2022/C#)

Guiding Light - Title Screen
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DIG 4715 - Game Production | Spring 2022

For this project, our team had to create a production plan, concept document, game design document (GDD), technical design document (TDD), art style guide (ASG), code release candidate, and marketing content. Not to mention, we had to release an alpha and beta build before our gold master release. The full project took around a month and a half to complete and my role within the team was Level Designer. My responsibilities were...

  • Animation Controller (Player & NPC)

  • Camera Controller (CineMachine)

  • Dialogue System

  • UI Implementation (Options Menu)

  • World Building (All 3 Stages & Hub)

Pizza Chef - Poster
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